First |
I have taken lots of photos and i have narrowed it down to these 3 to be on my front cover. As the first two pictures are landscape this would make it very hard to get them to fill the page as the page is going to be A4 portrait. i would have to ,aybe crop the pictures to make them more sqaure so i could free transform them, however i should be careful not to free transform too much as the picture would look un-natural and very stretched out.
Second |
Third |
i think that the second picture is the best picture to put on the front of a student magazine, however i think that the third picture is pretty much the same however James is actually looking at the camera so it does not look like he is working.
if you could comment on this post saying which one you think is most suitable for the font cover of my student magazine then it would be much appreciated.
I think that the third picture is the best one for the front cover.